Frequently Asked Questions

The problem in detail.

Who is affected by this cabal?

The students most vulnerable to the cabal are those who signed on to live there without knowing about the culture they were moving into. Brown residents are well known for attempting to 'turn' normal residents to their queer, leftist ideology. However, the more influential their community becomes, the higher the risk they pose to the larger community. Right now, students living at Brown, first years, and international students are the most at risk. Please stay vigilant!

Where does your proof come from?

As a collection of parents, students, and concerned community members, we have several firsthand sources for the debauchery. In order to protect the safety of all witnesses involved, testimony is only shared anonymously. If you are still unsure about the conditions at Brown College, we recommend that you investigate their website and social media. Doing so, you will clearly see evidence of their illicit activity, including photo evidence of several potential orgies.

Who can help?

Any concerned community member can join the cause. We are constantly seeking new perspectives on how to keep the average UVA student safe.

How do I help?

Check out our page on ways to help and call Virginia governor, Glenn Youngkin, to encourage actionable change.