The Brown College Problem
How the left wing agenda is hurting your students.
At the esteemed University of Virginia, there is a significant threat to the safety and health of average students brewing right outside the lawn. Brown Residential College, located at Monroe Hill, is a well-known safehaven for homosexuals and trans activists. Recently, students living at Brown have reported roaming gangs of residents transversing underground tunnels to collude on matters including 'queer theory' and 'gender ideology.'
Brown college is well known for it's student governance. At the time of its founding, this was an admirable trait. However, the recent COVID pandemic has allowed for a takeover of the governance board by several groups of students funded by UVA's chapter of the Young Democratic Socialist Association and the Platypus Society, both radical communist organizations on grounds.

The current structure of Brown allows the homosexual cabal extreme influence over the student body at large. By using the tunnels and student lounges for orgies and large-scale meetings of the queers, they have erected a scene of mysticism around their building. Their sexual deviancy has become well-known around grounds; the building is practically a one-stop-shop for anyone attempting to engage in wanton debauchery. From sex toys, to cocaine, to live gay porn, brown college poses a blatant threat to student safety.
The secrets behind Brown College can be confirmed by students who applied to live there without knowing about the conspiracy beneath the surface. Although the most egregious scheming happens in the shadows, testimony from average students residing in Brown describe tunnels between dorm stairwells that can be navigated by any resident. The tunnels, most underground, are filled with marijuana smoke and condoms, exposed pipes, murals encouraging homosexuality, and locked rooms that can only be opened by members of student governance. These conditions are clearly unsafe for normal students, and this is just what they allow any resident to see. Not even UVA housing staff can access governance board rooms, so there is no check on the activities happening inside.
This epidemic of promiscuity, homosexuality, and left-wing ideology needs to be stopped. As a coalition of concerned parents, students, and community members, our voice must be heard: Brown College is a threat to the University of Virginia.